Reduce The Roaming: 3 Tips For Choosing The Perfect Dog Fencing

If you need to fence in your yard and you have dogs, plan your fencing with them in mind. You might not realise this but fencing is one of the best ways to protect your dogs. However, you do need to make sure that you choose the right fencing for your dogs. Without proper fencing, your dogs could be put in harm's way. If you're not sure how to choose the right dog fencing, read the information provided here. You'll find three tips that will help you make the right choices when investing in dog fencing.

Consider Escape Options

If you're investing in fencing to prevent your dogs from roaming the neighbourhood, the first thing you need to do is consider their escape options. As soon as you install the fence, your dogs will start planning their escape routes. These escape routes will include jumping, climbing, digging and chewing. If you have climbers, you want to avoid fences that will provide adequate footholds, such as chain link fencing. If your dogs like to jump, you'll want to choose the maximum allowable height for your fence. If your dogs dig, you want to make sure that the fencing you choose won't have gaps along the bottom. If your dogs chew, you'll want to avoid materials like wood or vinyl. Dogs can chew through those materials.

Ensure Privacy and Protection

If your dogs are territorial or overly protective of their property, you'll want to consider a fence that provides both privacy and protection. This is especially important if there's a noise ordinance in your neighbourhood. You don't want your neighbours to complain when your dogs bark each time someone walks past the fence. To provide privacy and protection, it's a good idea to install a solid dog fence around your yard. The solid fence will help to keep barking to a minimum. It will also help to prevent accidental bites, especially when children try to pet your dogs through the gaps in the fence. 

Go Beyond the Basic Dog Fencing

Finally, now that you're going to invest in dog fencing, take this opportunity to go beyond the basic fencing. Perimeter fencing will prevent your dogs from roaming the neighbourhood. However, there may be times when you want to contain your dogs in one area of the yard, such as during family activities or when you're conducting yard maintenance. For those times, you also need a dog run. A dog run will give your dogs their own space in the yard. 

Reach out to a professional to discuss dog fencing options. 
